Friday, October 28, 2011

Rough Draft

In the near future, an estimated one fourth of the world’s population will live in slums. This increase of people living in slums will be due to the predicted increase in world population. A slum is “a run-down area of a city characterized by substandard housing and lacking in security.” Slums have negative effects on the population there due to lack of sanitation, resources, and support from the government. A slum’s sanitation is far from being the best in the world.

Slums have a very horrible sanitation problem where they have to live around filth, which leads to many diseases that many people in slums cannot cure in time. Some say, “Sanitation systems are nearly absent,” meaning that there really is no sanitation system. The quote shows how sanitation systems cannot be found in the slums and they appear to be absent of the area due to the people in the slums living in filth and so much disease that is spreading throughout the slum. Resources are scarce in slums leading to misfortune to those who inhabit them this can lead to starvation and even death.

In slums, resources are very scarce, inhabitants of slums lack many necessary resources such as, medicine, clean water, clean food, and money. "Human waste leaches into the water people drink and contaminates the food they eat. It carries typhoid and other diseases that can be deadly." The resources they have are not the best, which can lead to illnesses, starvation, and poverty. This quote explains why badly needed resources are very rare in slums and why those that aren’t clean can lead to various diseases that could be deadly to a someone who consumes the dirty contaminated food. The government pays little attention to these slums.

The Government does very little, if anything, to take proper care of the slums, they treat the slums as if they were not there, and so, the slums do not receive any help from the government such as getting much needed resources and sanitation. "The Slums are like self-contained cities but they operate with little official recognition or assistance." Slums are there own country, but are not recognized as anything more then just a few dirty houses, but they are still ruled by the government of another country. This Quote explains how the slums are taking care of themselves because they have no government to depend on for help.

A slum is “a run-down area of a city characterized by substandard housing and lacking in security,” and has negative effects on the population there due to lack of sanitation, resources, and support from the government. Lack of sanitation can bring problems to the people living in slums because if nothing is being cleaned diseases will easily spread, lack of resources in slums such as sanitary food and medicine lead to starvation, diseases, and even death. Lack of government support forces slums to have to rule its self , and the slums will not receive needed resources.

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